Reduce your risks with an intuitive platform
With just your CPF (Individual Taxpayer Number) or CNPJ (Legal Entity Taxpayer Number) customize your reports from more than 2,000 up-to-date sources, public and private, national and international.
Get accurate information about third parties and prevent identity fraud and money laundering.
User satisfaction
User evaluation
Optimized processes
Reliable data for investigations
Optimize processes, gain productivity and dedicate yourself to the strategic issues of your business.
upMiner has more than 20 strategic features for compliance, auditing, human resources and other areas.
Check your criminal record and legal proceedings.
Comply with your sector's regulations on third-party onboarding.
Identify PEPs and international lists such as the UN, OFAC and the European Union.
Technology in favor of your time
- Saving time
It's possible to do more in less time.
- Data-driven decisions
Using up-to-date information allows to take decisions more quickly.
- Manual process automation
Reduces the cost of rework and errors.
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Different companies use upMiner to optimize processes and reduce risks.
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Due Diligence
Your trades with more security
Compliance negotiations involve a complex set of rules and regulations aimed at ensuring the compliance and integrity of business operations.
Background Check
Customized reports
With upMiner you can carry out all your background checks in one place. Automate the collection of data on people and companies quickly and conveniently.
Conflict of interests
Network of relationships
Automate the analysis of direct and indirect links between people and companies and recognize possible conflicting relationships.