Real States
Consult and download property registrations from a CPF (Individual Taxpayer Number) or CNPJ (Legal Entity Taxpayer Number).
- Search by criteria
Search by CPF (Individual Taxpayer Number) and CNPJ (Legal Entity Taxpayer Number).
- Create search batches
Look up to 5 notaries at a time.
- Search history
Find searches already performed by users in your group.

Checks o real states in one place
Find and view registrations of real states by searching in notary offices from different states of Brazil.
Download your report in PDF or print it.
Praticidade nas suas investigações.
Agility in your decision making.
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Due Diligence
Your trades with more security
Compliance negotiations involve a complex set of rules and regulations aimed at ensuring the compliance and integrity of business operations.

Background Check
Customized reports
With upMiner you can carry out all your background checks in one place. Automate the collection of data on people and companies quickly and conveniently.

Conflict of interests
Network of relationships
Automate the analysis of direct and indirect links between people and companies and recognize possible conflicting relationships.